tempest I'm building a framework called Tempest, take a look or read the roadmap.

Announcing Blogs for Devs


When I started my blog in 2017 I never imagined it'd be as successful as now. I never seriously invested in SEO or did any aggressive marketing campaigns, and yet here we are: closing in to 2 million sessions, and the end is no where near.

Cumulated amount of sessions per weekCumulated amount of sessions per week

I did of course do something to put my content out there. Over the years I found ways to reach people who might be interested in reading what I wrote. But still, there wasn't much effort involved: I'd share a link from time to time; I'd listen to feedback (a thick skin is an asset if you're writing a blog, people on the internet love to tell you you're wrong); I tried to improve my writing.

I guess the reason it feels like little effort is because it's something I actually really enjoy doing. Even though I'm making some money with my blog now, I still consider it a hobby project. There has never been any pressure to write when I didn't want to. I ignored most of the "blogging best practices" because they asked way too much of my free time. I managed to find my own way of doing things, and it turns out it works.

Throughout this series I'll share everything I learned during my blogging journey with you: how to start, how to grow, how to analyse, how to engage with your audience, how to make money by writing on the internet. I'm a developer so some topics will be technical, but even if you've got no programming experience, you'll be able to learn lots — I'll keep things as simple as possible.

So, are you a blogger? Has it been your long-time dream of starting a blog? I'm happy to share my experience with you!

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