Process forks
function async(Process $process) : Process { socket_create_pair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, $sockets); [$parentSocket, $childSocket] = $sockets; if (($pid = pcntl_fork()) == 0) { socket_close($childSocket); socket_write($parentSocket, serialize($process->execute())); socket_close($parentSocket); exit; } socket_close($parentSocket); return $process ->setStartTime(time()) ->setPid($pid) ->setSocket($childSocket); } function wait(array $processes) : array { $output = []; while (count($processes)) { foreach ($processes as $key => $process) { $processStatus = pcntl_waitpid($process->getPid(), $status, WNOHANG | WUNTRACED); if ($processStatus == $process->getPid()) { $output[] = unserialize(socket_read($process->getSocket(), 4096)); socket_close($process->getSocket()); $process->triggerSuccess(); unset($processes[$key]); } else if ($processStatus == 0) { if ($process->getStartTime() + $process->getMaxRunTime() < time() || pcntl_wifstopped($status)) { if (!posix_kill($process->getPid(), SIGKILL)) { throw new \Exception("Failed to kill {$process->getPid()}: " . posix_strerror(posix_get_last_error())); } unset($processes[$key]); } } else { throw new \Exception("Could not reliably manage process {$process->getPid()}"); } } if (!count($processes)) { break; } usleep(100000); } return $output; }
The Process
class, used to pass data in a defined way.
abstract class Process { protected $pid; protected $name; protected $socket; protected $successCallback; protected $startTime; protected $maxRunTime = 300; public abstract function execute(); public function onSuccess(callable $callback) : Process { $this->successCallback = $callback; return $this; } public function triggerSuccess() { if (!$this->successCallback) { return null; } return call_user_func_array($this->successCallback, [$this]); } public function setPid($pid) : Process { $this->pid = $pid; return $this; } public function getPid() { return $this->pid; } public function setSocket($socket) : Process { $this->socket = $socket; return $this; } public function getSocket() { return $this->socket; } public function setName(string $name) : Process { $this->name = $name; return $this; } public function getName() : string { return $this->name; } public function setStartTime($startTime) { $this->startTime = $startTime; return $this; } public function getStartTime() { return $this->startTime; } public function setMaxRunTime(int $maxRunTime) : Process { $this->maxRunTime = $maxRunTime; return $this; } public function getMaxRunTime() : int { return $this->maxRunTime; } }
A concrete Process implementation.
class MyProcess extends Process { public function execute() { sleep(1); return true; } }
And bringing it all together.
$processA = async(new MyProcess()); $processB = async(new MyProcess()); $output = wait([$processA, $processB]); print_r($output); die('Done!');