Mission to Zyxx

Mission to Zyxx was in many ways a first for me: my first fictional podcast, the first improv one, and also the first one I discovered via an ad in another podcast.

When I started listening to it, Mission to Zyxx was such a fun and unique listening experience, it immediately got me hooked. It also opened my mind to give other fictional podcasts a try.

What makes this an even more unique podcast, is that it's improvised on the spot. Don't worry though: there are some main plot lines throughout the seasons. When you listen closely, you can sometimes pick up small details which give away the improvisation, but I think that's part of the charm in this genre.

Improvisation has one big advantage: it creates genuine, non-scripted, funny moments. Because all of the six crew members have experience in the comedy and improv scene, there are lots of hilarious moments β€” I burst out into laughter more than once listening to this podcast, usually on the train… You can imagine the looks people gave me.

Nevertheless, good times ensued!

# A galactic adventure

Each episode brings a new adventure for a team of ambassadors visiting planets in the Zyxx Quadrant. Beside the regulars, there's always a different guest star which they meet on these planets.

At the moment, season three is still in progress, and there is a clear story line throughout all seasons. I would recommend to start from the beginning, and make sure you don't miss anything.

By the way, if you're thinking of listening this podcast: you want use a quality headset if you're able to. Mission to Zyxx has an amazing sound design, which really adds to the experience.

It's noticeable that they spend hours upon hours on each episode to really get the atmosphere right, and it pays off.

# Ads?

One last thing this podcast gets right, are the ads. There's usually one ad per episode, but it's always played by one of the team, and is also set in the Zyxx Galaxy.

Luckily they don't try to hide the fact that you're listening to an ad, but they are genuine fun to listen to. Most of the time you don't mind listening 30 or 60 seconds to them, as you know the characters playing in them, and they are entertaining.

I would say Mission to Zyxx is worth the listen if you're a fan of fictional podcasts; but even if you don't think it's your cup of tea. I would encourage you to listen to two or three episodes. They are usually around 40 minutes long, a good podcast for a longer commute.